Saturday, May 2, 2009

Game 7 (CHI/BOS) Preview

This series has been talked about a lot lately, and no doubt has this series been one of the best in NBA History. But, what hasn't been talked about is that one of these two teams' season is about to end. Whoever it is, they played one heck of a series, but that will not matter when they are sitting in the locker room and their next game on the schedule isn't until the fall.

Game 7 is in Boston, and that is the one advantage that we know will be there. But, the young Bulls have proven already that they can win in Boston, and overall home court has meant very little in this series. The games just go to the final 30 seconds and it comes down to who makes the last big play.

So, Who will make that late play today in Game 7?

or perhaps, will this game be a little bit of a tease, as the extremely casual NBA fans will be picking this series up for the first time today.

To me, this will be another tight game. Ben Gordon will have to hit for 30 for the Bulls, and the role players will once again need to score in double figures. I expect a lot today from Paul Pierce, if anyone in this series has been criticized a little bit, it would be Pierce. He has missed some big shots, and pretty much no one else has in this insane series. Today, Pierce will lead the Celtics, and Ray Allen will hit 7 more 3 pointers.

Derrick Rose will be leading the Bulls offense, and he will need to limit those turnovers. Rajon Rondo will be running the point for the Celtics, and they have figured out exactly how to turn Rondo from a great defensive point guard, into just a great player. Rondo has proven in this series that he can go to the rack on just about anyone, as well as hit 17 foot jumpers from time to time. The quickness of these two Point Guards will be tough to match in any other NBA playoff series.

I will be rooting for this young Bulls team, how could you not. The youthful exuberance of this team is unmatched in sports right now. The future is so bright for this team, even if they lose Ben Gordon to Free Agency. Rose/Gordon/Hienrich/Salmons/Tyrus Thomas/B Miller/Noah now that is a wonderful group to build around.

Celtics will win, but it will be another great game.

In case you missed it, TOP TEN PLAYS FROM THIS SERIES (ESPN)

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